Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Back In The Game

Right..well it is safe to say I haven't blogged in a while. I could blame this on my majorly busy lifestyle, or just my laziness. However, recently I have been spending most of my days in the print room because of my recent project. I absolutely adore screen-printing no matter how tedious it can get, being the main reason for the many days spent there. I have been working mainly from photographs taken with my Nikon as part of my project. I am going to be totally honest and say it has taken me a long time to get inspired this semester at uni, however after a long talk with my tutors, it was decided that it was best to stick to what I love instead of trying to come up with something that isn't me. I am a pattern enthusiast and a true lover of anything abstract and repetitive so surely this was the route to go down. To get inspiration I have mainly taken photos of abstract textures out and about to get an idea what my newest collection of prints will be. Finally after exploring endless textured surfaces and objects I came up with the idea to revolve my prints around urban decay. This includes photographs of tatty walls, moss, mould and anything rotten or overgrown. These are the sort of things people hate, often overlooking their beauty. When you appreciate these unseen textures it brings along endless possibilities of colours and patterns. From this I have gradually been screen-printing my way through my photographs, testing out different compositions and textures. 

Here are some examples:

Hope you like the prints! There will be more updates of my work soon :) 

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